Product Renewal 415.26n

13.11.2023 - News


The redesigned handle 415.26n is not an entirely new form, but rather a modified version of the highly successful handle 415.26r. We have redesigned the handle, softening all edges to make it more pleasant to the touch and grip.

By rounding the edges, we have achieved a very comfortable and usable shape that will remain practical for a long time.

The handle will be available in two standard screw distances, 96 mm, 128 mm and 192 mm, and an additional 320 mm. Initially, the handle will be offered in Cr, SNiL, WhiteL, and MgCrnL finishes.

Product is already available for purchase.


old new


417.26n 320mm on a fridge


Product Code: 415.26n

Express in MGCrL, SNiL, White, Cr


415.26n for the news various finishes


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